Move Fast. Break Nothing.

Ledger infrastructure for modern applications

Sequence is a system of record for managing balances. It lets software teams focus on shipping and scaling their product instead of building and maintaining ledger infrastructure.

What can you build on Sequence?

Sequence combines the convenience of the cloud with the security of cryptographic transaction signing, making it easy to build, operate, and scale forward-thinking products in finance and commerce.

A better model for managing balances

Assets in accounts... Balances in Sequence are represented by token-like objects called assets. Assets are created, transferred, and retired. To ensure atomicity, a single transaction can include multiple actions involving any number of assets and accounts.

...Controlled by keys in enclavesCryptographic keys, which create and control assets and accounts, are managed in secure enclaves. Key access can be distributed across users, services, and organizations so multiple entities can transact on the same ledger with “least authority.”

Built for developers

  • Create Keys
  • Create Accounts
  • Create Assets
  • Transact
  • Query
  alias: 'my_key'
}).then(key => ...)
key = ledger.keys.create(
  alias: 'my_key'
Key key = new Key.Builder()

Java Node Ruby

What Are Keys?

Transactions in the ledger are authenticated by cryptographic keys. To create a key, provide an alias (a unique identifier).

  alias: 'usd',
  keys: [key]
}).then(usd => ...)
usd = ledger.assets.create(
  alias: 'usd',
  keys: [key]
Asset usd = new Asset.Builder()

Java Node Ruby

What Are Assets?

Assets represent different types of balances in the ledger. To create an asset, provide an alias (a unique identifier) and one or more keys. Here we create a USD asset.

  alias: 'alice',
  keys: [key]
}).then(alice => ...)
alice = ledger.accounts.create(
  alias: 'alice',
  keys: [key]
Account alice = new Account.Builder()

Java Node Ruby

What Are Accounts?

Accounts represent entities in the ledger and can hold balances of many assets. To create an account, provide an alias (a unique identifier) and one or more keys. Here we create an account for Alice.

ledger.transactions.transact(builder => {
    assetAlias: 'usd',
    amount: 10,
    sourceAccountAlias: 'alice',
    destinationAccountAlias: 'bob'
}).then(tx => ...)

tx = ledger.transactions.transact do |builder|
    asset_alias: 'usd',
    amount: 10,
    source_account_alias: 'alice',
    destination_account_alias: 'bob'

Transaction tx = new Transaction.Builder()
  .addAction(new Transaction.Builder.Action.Transfer()

Java Node Ruby

What Are Transactions?

Transactions are atomic ledger updates that issue, transfer, and/or retire assets in the ledger. A transaction is comprised of one or more actions. Here is a transfer of USD from Alice to Bob.

    filter: 'asset_alias=$1 AND account_alias=$2',
    filterParams: ['usd', 'alice'],
    sumBy: ['asset_alias']
  }).then(balances => {
    for (let i in balances) {
      const balance = balances[i];
    filter: 'asset_alias=$1 AND account_alias=$2',
    filter_params: ['usd', 'alice'],
    sum_by: ['asset_alias']
  ).each do |balance|
Balance.ItemIterable balances = new Balance.QueryBuilder()
    .setFilter("asset_alias=$1 AND account_alias=$2")
  for (Balance balance : balances) {
Java Node Ruby

What Are Queries?

Data structures in Sequence are represented as key-value JSON objects. To retrieve data, you perform a query with optional parameters. By default, each query returns a time-ordered list of objects beginning with the most recent. Here’s a query for the amount of USD in Alice's account.

Move Fast

  • Set up a team, permissions, and ledger in minutes
  • Start quickly with pre-built examples and development enclaves
  • Prototype, query, and model in a beautiful UI
  • Build with easy-to-use SDKs and documentation
  • Iterate and grow your product seamlessly: Sequence is extensible by design

Break Nothing

  • Ensure ledger integrity with an immutable, append-only data structure
  • Validate ledger updates with cryptographically signed transactions
  • Manage keys in secure enclaves
  • Generate and export accurate and customized reports
  • Operate confidently with SLA’s that guarantee high-availability and performance

Technology trusted by market leaders

A powerful system of record

Cryptographic integrity


Programmable transactions



Developer experience

Get Started